Show Off Our Cars !
Save the date, Sunday November 6th 2-4 pm
Round Rock Presbyterian Fall Festival
4010 Sam Bass Rd, Round Rock, TX 78681
This is a family event with lots of kids from surrounding neighborhoods. Each year our club has been asked
to bring our cars to this event. Unfortunately last year it was on our meeting date BUT this year it is not.
I think a little bird must have told the church planning committee our club's Nov. meeting date.
Many fun activities are planned for the kids even with free hot dogs and drinks for the young and all of us!
Petting zoo, games, craft show for moms plus all sorts of kid entertainment.
Fascination and a world of wonders sparkle in the children's eyes when they see our Model A collection. The
dad's think it is pretty outstanding too!
If it is not raining and you can come, call Jack Fisher - 512 255 4333 or just come! Jack is bringing his car
as are the Steinmann's. Let's add your baby to the list!
Thank You!